Interim Management

Our Interim Management Service provides the company with Independent Executives who join the company to solve or resolve specific problems for a limited time.

Hiring an Interim Manager is helpful for companies in solving complex problems, such as change management, company transformation, negotiations, business improvement, crisis management, and strategy development.

Interim Managers have experience in multiple industries and disciplines.

The role of an Interim Manager is that of an Executive to resolve specific issues for a limited period; their role is not that of a consultant but that of an independent executive.

Some of the characteristics of Interim Managers:

  • An independent senior executive or project manager.
  • An expert in a specific field.
  • A high-level professional with a track record of measurable achievement.
  • A driven and energetic executive or professional.
  • A capable, perceptive person able to adapt to new environments and deliver results.
  • Immediate availability to join the company.

CEO Network and Development Groups

CEOs and General Managers exercise their function and power in what has come to be called the solitude of the position It is a position lived alone, with a lot of pressure and few tools to cope well.

Most executives who became CEOs did so because they had an upward career in the company and most likely had good achievements They also cared about being committed to what they were doing and preparing well. That good preparation has been in the technical and management area rather than good preparation in managerial, soft skills, and emotional and social Intelligence.

In our company, we have frequent and daily conversations with CEOs from different companies. We have worked directly with them in searches, coaching, workshops, or CEO groups to support them in their career and management.

Advisory to Boards of Directors

Company Boards are not a place of improvisation and superficiality; it is where the company’s strategy and survival are elaborated and controlled.

Corporate Governance is in the hands of the company’s Board of Directors, and its main functions are the development, evaluation, and control of the company’s strategy, the hiring and dismissal of the CEO and key executives, the leadership of the company in change processes, and the definition of policies for the relationship with stakeholders.

Our firm has experience and knowledge in Corporate Governance matters. Jose Fernandez Vergara, the partner in charge of the area, is a member and holds the degree of Certificated Director from the Institute of Directors of London, the most prestigious institution in Corporate Governance worldwide.

Assessment for Selection and Development

It is essential to have the appropriate executive assessment tools for recruitment processes and developing executives, professionals, or work teams.

In the selection process, what is assessed is the candidate’s potential to perform a specific position in a given company successfully. This implies having the most accurate tools possible that can predict behaviors and adaptability to the job and that the applicant has the executive, professional or technical competencies for the position. Stratos has different tools that adjust the other competencies to a specific place. As well as being able to measure aspects such as abstract thinking and mathematical and language skills.

At Stratos, we have tools for executive development, which are indispensable for coaching processes or teamwork, such as Disc style, Emotional Intelligence, Competencies, etc. These tools can be applied to individual executives or professionals as well as to work teams.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Why is Emotional Intelligence important?

There are hundreds of studies on the impact of Emotional Intelligence both inside and outside organizations. Today we know that Emotional Intelligence at work impacts improved decision-making, helps to focus better, improves the well-being of workers and executives, resolves conflicts better, develops mentoring skills, better the functioning of teams, reduces employee turnover, increases productivity, and develops more and better networks.

Several studies show that the main cause of the success of leaders is their emotional competencies rather than their technical competencies.

At Stratos, we have extensive experience in delivering high-impact coaching in short periods of time.

The methodology of our coaching programs is always oriented to the development of the twelve emotional intelligence competencies of the participants.

In our coaching programs, it is the participant who decides which areas of his or her management he or she wants to work on. Once the choice is made, we work on developing and strengthening high-impact emotional competencies in those areas.

Our program is based on the Goleman Model, which has been strengthened in recent years with the contributions of Neuroscience.

Coaching in emotional Intelligence requires the active participation of the coachee, who must perform a series of micro-techniques that are oriented to strengthen the changes that are sought.

Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Training

Emotional Intelligence competencies are fundamental to the success of an executive’s management. Stratos programs are based on Goleman’s Competency Model and consider the development of twelve competencies, of which five are emotional competencies and seven are social competencies.

The different programs are based on the methodology of Learn, Reflect and Practice, which implies a daily active work of a few minutes, but which allows for profound changes in the participant.

The twelve competencies developed are emotional self-awareness, emotional self-control, adaptability, achievement orientation, positive outlook, empathy, organizational awareness, influence, conflict management, coaching and mentoring, and teamwork.

The executive resilience program enables the development of techniques for managing negative emotions and learning to think and manage emotions in a positive way. who participate in the program achieve a high impact on how to manage difficulties in the climate of their work teams.

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